God Anubis

Egyptian Art showing Anubis weighing the heart of the dead against the “feather of truth” on the scale of Ma’at (Justice & Order).

Anubis, son of God Osiris & Goddess Nephthys  is the Jackal-headed God,  most closely associated with death and the afterlife. He is depicted with the head of a Jackal because this animal was typically seen roaming the ancient tombs. The Jackal head is often seen as black in most Egyptian Art representing regeneration and the fertility of the Nile.

Often Gods of Death are thought of as evil, but this is not the case with Anubis. He was viewed as a protective deity, protecting the tombs, overseeing the mummification process that prepared the dead for burial and offered entry into the afterlife.

After Seth disembodied Osiris’s body, Anubis assisted Isis by embalming the body, allowing Osiris to live in the afterlife, resurrecting him. Osiris then became King of the Underworld.

In the underworld, Anubis weighed the heart of the dead against the “feather of truth” to determine worthiness before the dead could enter the afterlife and be in the presence of Osiris. If the heart was heavier than the feather then Egyptian God Ammit would devour the heart and soul of the dead one. 

Anubis is a symbol of regeneration, rebirth, and transformation; the movement of life into a higher state of being. If you are ending a cycle, ready to release old ways of living or beginning a new project call upon Anubis to guide and support you through transformation.


Goddess Isis


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