Egyptian Sekhem Energy Healing

I am so excited that you are interested in connecting with the Ancient Egyptian energy of Sekhem! Working with this energy is powerful, transformative and experiential.

Egyptian Sekhem is a sacred, living energy similar to Reiki but resonates and channels at a higher vibrational frequency. This beautiful, healing energy is a gift to us from the ancient mystery schools of the Sirius star system.

By “living” I mean Sekhem is conscious and will heal on emotional, mental, physical and spiritual levels based on your highest good and what you need most in your life now.

Some benefits of receiving a Sekhem Energy Healing are:

  • Awaken to higher states of consciousness contributing to your spiritual growth and evolution:

    • Recognizing a deeper connection with the divine, your higher self or spiritual family.

    • Expanding ways of thinking and seeing the higher perspectives.

    • Bringing awareness to undeniable truth, allowing you to speak and live your truth more easily.

  • Release energetic blockages or old-beliefs that no longer serve you, freeing you from perceived limitation.

  • Revitalize your energy field, chakra centers, and physical body to feel more invigorated and lively.

  • Raise your overall energy vibration to a higher frequency.

  • Deepen your connection to Ancient Egypt and their Gods and Goddesses.

In Ancient Egypt, Sekhem literally meant ‘power’ or ‘might’. This energy is powerful, yet gentle, and will empower you to align more with your authentic self.

My personal experience with Egyptian Sekhem has been nothing short of transformative, allowing me to fully accept and honor the uniqueness of who I am.

Everyone’s experience is different, but some people have shared that they:

Made new connections with the Egyptian Gods or Goddess thereby adding more divine support to their lives.

Were more able to discuss difficult topics with others then before.

Became more self-confident, decisive and clear around making decisions.

Felt an elimination or reduction of physical pain.

Although not required, I find that multiple session are very beneficial to bring in higher vibrational frequencies in a gradual way that your physical and emotional body can handle. It is best to wait at least 2 weeks in between sessions to allow for complete integration. There is a service option for multiple sessions if you prefer.

Testimony & Praise

What to expect before, during & after your session:

Prior to your session you will receive some easy preparation instructions and more information.

During your session, in co-creation we will work with the Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddess (the Neteru) to provide you the most appropriate healing and upgrade. Goddess Sekhmet is the guardian of sacred Sekhem, and others such as Goddess Isis, God Osiris, or Anubis to name a few may step forward to assist.

Afterwards, we will have time to discuss your experience and I will let you know about any messages for you from the Neteru. The Sekhem energy will continue to integrate for several days or a fews weeks, so you should get plenty of rest and stay hydrated.

Ready to book your Egyptian Sekhem Healing?

If you have any questions, please schedule a free 20 minute consultation so we can discuss how to best support your journey.