The Sirians / Sirian Starseed Traits

Artwork by Debbie Solaris

The Sirians

  • The Sirians are from the constellation Canis Major (or the Greater Dog), also known as the “Dog Star”, which is a binary star system consisting of Sirius A & Sirius B.

  • Sirius B planets are mostly watery and home to many indigenous amphibian-type races; evolved versions of dolphins and whales, cetaceans, and the amphibian-humanoid mer-people. Sirius A planets are also watery.

  • The Sirians are decedents of Lyran and Vegan ancestors that colonized the Sirius star system in an effort to escape the Lyra-Draconian wars.

  • This race is technologically advanced, practical, resourceful and the spiritual warriors of the galaxy. Deeply spiritual and wise.

  • They have a service to others focus and have safeguarded ancient knowledge and higher learning by developing the well known Sirius Mystery Schools.

  • The Sirians became know as the Masters of Physical Healing and developed the many different modalities we incorporate here on Earth such as massage therapy, crystal healing, plant medicine, acupuncture, and energy healing.

  • The Sirians visited Earth in early times and have interacted with humanity offering knowledge and healing since the days of Ancient Egypt and Mayan times. It is also believed that the Nommo Amphibian race from Sirius B visited the Dogon Tribe, a West African Tribe.

Some General Sirian Starseed Traits

  • Sirius A starseeds have a yellow/brownish aura, whereas, Sirius B starseeds have an aqua or blue aura.

  • Their energy tends to feel very earthy and grounded.

  • Have a greater affinity for dogs, but still enjoy cats. Also may feel a connection to whales and dolphins and prefer to live near water.

  • Have an interest in healing modalities, mysticism, metaphysics, medicine and alternative healing.

  • Aligned with sacral and throat chakra energies.

  • Gifted healers, service to others, wise, spiritual, and may be drawn to ancient civilizations or cultures.

Reference: 2023 Galactic Akashic Records Course by Debbie Solaris,


The Andromedans / Andromeda Starseed Traits


The Vegans from Lyra / Vegan Starseed Traits