Goddess Sekhmet

Meet Goddess Sekhmet!

She is depicted in this beautiful sunken relief with the a head of a lioness, wearing the sun disk and uraeus or serpent, signifying sovereignty and divine power.

Sekhmet was greatly feared and known as a fierce warrior and a favorite protector of her father, God Ra from his enemies. It was believed that Sekhmet was born from Ra’s anger at mankind for not upholding the laws of Ma’at (justice and order).

On the converse, Sekhmet is the guardian of the sacred healing energy of Sekhem, and was regarded as a great healer and invoked by Egyptian physicians.

As such Sekhmet is an expression of the duality between disease and healing, from chaos and order and reminds us to avoid extremes.

You can call upon Goddess Sekhmet to help you release any negative thoughts or emotions or if you need help standing your personal power.

A powerful goddess of Healing, Self Empowerment & Inner Truth!


God Ra