9 Principle Egyptian Deities

There core of Ancient Egyptian Religion was based around 9 main deities called the “Ennead of Heliopolis”. Heliopolis was considered the mound of creation where the world began.

Atum-Ra - the first god, the Sun God, the creator god and ruler of all gods and the heavens. (God Ra combined with God Atum)

  • Shu - God of the Air

  • Tefnut - Goddess of Moisture

    • Geb - God of the Earth associated with nature, plants, animals, fertility and abundance.

    • Nut - Goddess of the Sky, usually depicted as a body arching over the earth covered with stars. Her arching body represent her protection over the earth and the stars symbolize the resurrection into the afterlife (illumination into wisdom).

      • Osiris - God of Death, Rebirth & Transformation

      • Isis - Mother Goddess of Healing & Magic

      • Nephthys - Goddess of Funerals & Hope

      • Seth - God of Chaos, Desserts & Storms

In addition to these 9 main deities, there were a several other deities that played an important role in ancient Egyptian culture. Examples are Goddesses Sekhmet, Hathor, Bastet & Maat and Gods Horus & Anubis. [below image from Pinterest, multiple users].


A Cosmic Reading List


The Prism of Lyra by Lyssa Royal-Holt & Keith Priest